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Love Play Learn

“Children do not play to learn, children learn because they play.”

Founded: 1986 Company affiliation: Hape Group Target Group: Parents, infants, babies and toddlers

Brand philosophy

Hape believes that the instinct to play is present in every child’s DNA. We simply need to bring it out and carefully nurture its development. Our toys were created to encourage play and learning and for discovering the world where we live. By taking responsibility for our actions, we aim to leave the world a better place than we found it.

With toys made from different materials, we increase the quality of children’s play and place emotions at centre stage during playtime.


Wooden toys, toys made from natural materials

Our guiding principle is: “Love Play Learn.” We at Hape live by the motto: “Love  Play  Learn”. Here the word “love” refers to the love shared between children and their parents, “play ” represents the experience of success and failure, while learning is the natural result of play. Every child wants to play. It’s a basic requirement regardless of their culture or heritage. Play supports healthy development and promotes a deeper understanding of everyday things and the world around us.

Our colleagues and partners, retailers and vendors as well as our customers: They all play a role in our “Love Play Learn” mission, and make Hape what it is today: a company with stable roots, strong partners and social responsibility. In taking action towards a better future, we can create a world that children will want to grow up in and which fosters their optimal development.

Fusce quis rutrum lectus

Hape is an innovative, world-leading educational toy brand that is always exploring new paths with the goal of further developing children’s spirit of discovery through play and preparing children for the world they are growing up in.

We’re always on the search for new alternative materials (e.g. in order to avoid producing hazardous waste such as rechargeable batteries) that won’t sacrifice on fun when it comes to playtime

Environmentally-friendly product development right from the start

Even the planning of Hape toys is designed to ensure the individual products are produced in the most environmentally-friendly way possible. Alongside the use of innovative, sustainable and renewable materials for our products, sustainability and environmentally-friendly production have been a primary focus for us since the very beginning.

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